be me

with Magdalena Öttl

There’s no wind in the Internet
Just clouds and windows
No wind, no wind, no wind, no wind
There’s no me in the night we met
Where’s the sound in the words that you just said
Be me, be me
be me

be me is a dance performance born from the encounter between Parini Secondo (Sissj Bassani, Martina Piazzi, IT) and Magdalena Oettl (DE) during a 4-month coexistence in Essen within the KreativCampu.Ruhr program. The result of this long period of cohabitation is a choreographic template shown for the first time on 25th March at Kunsthallen Bochum. Inspired by the concept of meme, most commonly used as a linguistic sign within online communities, Parini and Magdalena created a device which highlights the self organisational mechanisms of a small community populated by seven performers and witnessed by an online audience. Through copying and imitation, the whole community is the author of the choreography which becomes solid just in the moment of staging. Silent agreements are floating in the space, carried by the wind they spread like a rumor and promote the existence of a temporary truth.

be me
By Parini Secondo & magdalena öttl
Performance: Sissj Bassani, Lucas Lopes, Camilla Neri, Martina Piazzi, Francesca Pizzagalli, Eliza Trefas
Music: Alberto Ricca/Bienoise
Visual Design: Daniel Gugitsch
Technical Support: Wolfram Lakaszus
Webdesign: Tommaso Gagliardi
Developed between november 2020 – april 2021 in the frame of Kreativcampus.Ruhr Artists in Residence International Co-Production It’s not my responsibility to get famous, a project by ecce GmbH. Supported by Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia In Cooperation with Kunsthaus Essen, Maschinenhaus Essen, Kunsthallen Bochum Further Support by the city of Essen, city of Bochum, municipality of Savignano Sul Rubicone (IT)
Thanks to: Valentina Tanni, Edoardo Sansonne, WerkStadt Takeover Pact Zollverein, Annette Wolter, Matteo Santini, Jana Kerima Stolzer, Philipp Steffens, Cesare Biguzzi/Wereading
- 25.03.2021 ONLINE PREMIERE from Kunsthallen Rottstr5
- 09-10.04.2021 Maschinenhaus Essen (DE)
- 16.08.2021 Podere Bislacco, Savignano sul Rubicone (IT)